Thursday, July 3, 2008

Born To Suffer on the 4th of July

As the day commemorating the birth of our nation nears in this year of 2008, we must not forget how pressing it is to have knowledge in this day and age. By no means is this stream on consciousness a rant or a blurb about how you should and should not live your life. By all means, BBQ, party, celebrate. Enjoy. The idea of this country is a wonderful idea and that's what the 4th of July is about; celebrating the idea of freedom and happiness. So please, enjoy yourself on this holiday.

However, I do want everyone to remember on this day what happened behind closed doors of even more locked ones. This country was set in place to fail by the elite. Many knew of this plans while others had no idea. The best way to have a strong following of people in such an oppressive time in history such as that one is to promise freedom. They promised opportunity and we took it. They promised the right to life, and we had it. The Government officials and high ranking officers promised EVERYTHING, and we wanted it. Promises were set in place to slowly be taken away. 234 years ago 13 guns were shot off to celebrate the signing of The Document making the 13 colonies no longer ruled by Britain's oppressive hand. May it be known 13 is the number of the Snake, the Serpent, and the Devil himself. May it be known that 13 is an important number and degree in the Masonic hierarchy which many of our Founding Father's had already passed in their quest for total sight through darkness. I am laying the dots for the reader to connect if they are willing.

Education is key, even if you don't believe.
Always listen, always be aware, always think, and never sleep.

Have a safe holiday.


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